Barbara Czarniawska
studies organisation and management from a processual and feminist perspective; recently, the relationship between management practice and mass culture has been at the centre of her interests. As a methodologist, she deals with field research techniques and the application of narratology in social sciences. She is a Professor Emeritus of Organisation and Management at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Baszczyńska
is interested in non-classical statistical methods and their applications in the study of economic and social phenomena as well as procedures for collecting and processing statistical data. She supports us in quantitative accounting research. She is, among others, a co-author of research on occupational burnout in professions related to accounting. She works at the Department of Statistical Methods of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Lodz (PhD Habilitated). She is the Centre's ‛Chief Statistician.’
aleksandra.baszczynska@uni.lodz.plJoanna Cewińska
is interested in human resources management, dysfunctions and pathologies in human resources management, sports management, and recently―issues related to managing teams that differ depending on the lifestyle of their members. She conducts survey research and uses field research techniques. She has participated in the study of the relationship between professional personality and preferences in the field of accounting policy. She works as a university Professor, PhD at the Department of Human Resources Management of the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz.
joanna.cewinska@uni.lodz.plMarzena Syper-Jędrzejak
deals with the broadly understood issues of psychological ‛soft’ aspects of human resources management in organisations. Her research interests mainly concern work-life balance, corporate wellness and stress prevention in management. She is a co-author of occupational burnout studies among expert auditors. She works as an Assistant Professor, PhD at the Department of Human Resources Management of the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz.
marzena.syper@uni.lodz.plAnna Paszkowska-Rogacz
studies the psychological determinants of professional development and career choice. She is a university Professor and the Director of the Institute of Psychology of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Lodz.
anna.paszkowska-rogacz@uni.lodz.plAnna Szychta
is interested in the historical, organisational and social aspects of accounting. She conducts scientific research in the discipline of management and quality sciences, specialising in managerial accounting, theory, methodology and history of accounting. She studies the concept and practice of management and cost accounting in Poland before World War II, as well as contemporary accounting issues related to the sustainable development of business entities. She is a Social Sciences Professor, PhD and the head of the Department of Accounting Theory at the Department of Accounting of the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz.
anna.szychta@uni.lodz.plMonika Łada
is a researcher of the social and technological dimension of accounting. She conducts qualitative research concerning accounting practices with the use of social theories. She is the author of a scientific monograph entitled ‛Accounting as a Product and Tool of Legitimisation.’ Currently, she is implementing a scientific project entitled ‛Digital Transformation of Accounting.’ She is employed as a university Professor at the Accounting Institute of the Warsaw School of Economics.
mlada2@sgh.waw.plMikołaj Turzyński
is interested in the social determinants of accounting. He examines accounting in critical states, both from a historical perspective―during the Second World War, and from a modern perspective―in the area of economic crime. He works as a Professor, PhD at the Department of Accounting of the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz and at the Institute of Economic and Financial Expertise in Lodz.
mikolaj.turzynski@uni.lodz.plJustyna Dobroszek
is interested in organisational, social and psychological aspects of managerial accounting/controlling with a focus on logistics activity. She has researched, among others, the professional identity of controllers and logistics specialists. She was the originator and editor of the English-language special edition of ‛Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości’ (Theoretical Journal of Accounting) entitled ‛Accounting and Behavioural Sciences―a Successful Marriage or an Extravagant Crusade?’ (in collaboration with Tampere University). She works as a university Professor, PhD at the Department of Accounting of the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz.
justyna.dobroszek@uni.lodz.plMałgorzata Czerny
is interested in the cultural, social, psychological, organisational and various other aspects of accounting. She explores, among others, the influence of cultural factors, in particular religion, on the development of the theory and practice of accounting, as well as the relationship between culture or religion and the ethics of professional accountants. She works as a university Professor, PhD at the Department of Management Accounting at the University of Economics in Poznan.
malgorzata.czerny@ue.poznan.plMarek Masztalerz
is interested in social and humanistic trends in the science of accounting, especially linguistic issues (the metaphor of accounting as a language and the natural language in accounting). He studies various aspects of communication in accounting theory, policy and practice. He works as a university Professor at the Department of Accounting and Financial Auditing at the University of Economics in Poznan.
marek.masztalerz@ue.poznan.plMarcin Osikowicz
studies how accountants are presented in both popular and high culture. He examines the stereotype of an accountant and how to overcome this stereotype. Recently, he has also been interested in the ethical aspects of the accounting profession. He works as a Senior Lecturer, PhD at the Department of Accounting at the University of Economics in Cracow.
osikowicz@interia.plLena Grzesiak
is currently conducting qualitative research in the field of HR controlling and internal audit effectiveness. Her scientific interests also include dysfunctions and pathologies in human resources management, measuring of human capital, as well as social and psychological factors in accounting. She is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Resources Management at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz.
lena.grzesiak@uni.lodz.plAleksandra Ferens
She is interested in the social and psychological factors impacting decisions of financial directors and chief accountants (with regard to presenting information in integrated reports) and expert auditors (with regard to the opinions issued). She conducts research on cyber risk undertaken by business entities, taking into account the most important factor in this area, that is, the human factor. She works at the Department of Accounting at the University of Economics in Katowice.
aleksandra.ferens@ue.katowice.plBartosz Kurek
is a researcher whose interests are focused on the methodology of event tree analysis. He has researched, among others, the information content of block trades in shares as well as fines imposed by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. He was a scholarship holder of the Kosciuszko Foundation at the Vernon .K. Zimmerman Center for International Education and Research in Accounting, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA). He works as a university Professor, PhD at the Department of Accounting at the University of Economics in Cracow.
kurekb@uek.krakow.plMonika Perlińska
she deals with the issues of standardisation and harmonisation of accounting and reporting―both financial and non-financial―in the context of global challenges related to environmental protection, counteracting climate change, including in particular trading in greenhouse gas emissions, as well as corporate social responsibility. She is employed at the Institute of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz. She conducts training for enterprises and financial institutions.
monika.perlinska@uni.lodz.plMaciej Tuszkiewicz
is a researcher whose interests focus on decision making in accounting and combine accounting with sociology and computer science. He analyses the influence of various factors, including features of information systems, as well as relations between people or between man and machine, using mainly surveys and experiments. He works at the Department of Computer Science and International Accounting at the University of Economics in Katowice.